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Переходим с PHPBB3 на Kunena

13 года 10 мес. назад - 13 года 10 мес. назад #1 от Aleksej
Aleksej создал тему: Переходим с PHPBB3 на Kunena
Используйте следующую последовательность шагов (оригинал статьи размещен на docs.kunena.org):

PHPBB3 to Kunena - step by step

Note 1: It is recommend you do this on a test server then import the finished database into your live site.
Note 2: This tutorial is without any guarantee. You should know, what you have to do. If you feel confident, then give it a go. If you don't, then don't!
Note 2: Do an entire dump of your database before to do something using phpMyAdmin or mysqldump.

Complete conversion procedure
  1. Remove kunena and if you have important datas save tables begining by jos_fb_*, or in your server you could have something other than jos, if it's not the case remove these tables
  2. Enable legacy plugin on Joomla 1.5, as this is required for fireboard 1.0.4
  3. Install fireboard 1.0.4, the install procedure is the same as for Kunena. Create menu item for forums, see this doc for more information : How_to_create_a_menu_link_for_Kunena , go there to make sure it works. If no, go to admin part of fireboard and finish install.
  4. Download converter.zip to convert phpBB database to fireboard database. Extract the converter folder
  5. Open go.php in an editor and edit the first few lines to add your information such as database name etc. When you open the file it will be pretty obvious what to change - there are notes to follow. Save the file and close your editor.
  6. Upload the converter folder to your website.
  7. In a browser, navigate to yoursite.com/converter/go.php. Let it do it's stuff. (you may see some errors - don't worry, they should all be bots)
  8. Check the Fireboard link on your site to check that it has imported successfully.
  9. If you want to install Kunena 1.6, the following steps aren't required, just install Kunena 1.6 and the upgrade process will be launched from FireBoard 1.0.4, but you can after that uninstall FireBoard from your Joomla! isntallation
  10. Use the com_fbconverter to prepare the database, for the kunena installation, you can download it here : FB Converter . Now you can uninstall the com_converter by using the joomla! extensions manager.
  11. Uninstall fireboard from the joomla! extensions manager. From the joomla! menu manager delete the menu item related to fireboard and delete the converter folder.
  12. You can run directly the install of Kunena 1.5.12 or newer, there is a bug with the upgrade procedure with Kunena 1.5.7, so don't use this version
When phpBB and Kunena are on different servers
  1. Dump the tables from phpBB using phpMyAdmin or mysqldump.
  2. Import the dumped tables to the same database as Joomla
  3. Follow the steps above.
Note that if you had smilies and emoticons in your PHPBB forum (and who doesn't) you then have to copy them into the correct folder your Kunena install. So, if the language of your Kunena install is English you would copy your smilies from %phpbb_root%/images/smilies/emoticons/ to %joomla_root%/components/com_kunena/template/default/images/english/emoticons/
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 10 мес. назад пользователем Aleksej.

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Dev banner 1
13 года 9 мес. назад - 13 года 9 мес. назад #2 от ralf
ralf ответил в теме Re: Переходим с PHPBB3 на Kunena
Еще способы перейти с PHPBB3 на Kunena от frold:

Modify it for you needs. Backup before use. Use eg phpMyAdmin to run the sql.
# Move gender from phpBB3 to Kunena profile UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.gender = phpbb_users.user_gender # Move location from phpBB3 to Kunena profile UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.location = phpbb_users.user_from # Move Birthday from phpBB3 to Kunena profile UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.birthdate = phpbb_users.user_birthday # Move icq, aim, yim, msnm from phpBB to Kunena Profile UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.ICQ = phpbb_users.user_icq UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.AIM = phpbb_users.user_aim UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.YIM = phpbb_users.user_yim UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.MSN = phpbb_users.user_msnm # Move website from phpBB to Kunena Profile (do it twice for website name and link) UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.websitename = phpbb_users.user_website UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.websiteurl = phpbb_users.user_website #Move interest from phpBB to Kunena Profile UPDATE jos_kunena_users JOIN phpbb_users ON (jos_kunena_users.userid = phpbb_users.user_id +61) SET jos_kunena_users.personalText = phpbb_users.user_interests

I have updated the convertion script found here .
Feel free to test it.
I was not able to get the birthday from phpBB3 --> Kunena.
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 9 мес. назад пользователем ralf.

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