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Kunena Spam Killer
- Aleksej
Автор темы
- Не в сети
- Модератор
13 года 10 мес. назад - 13 года 10 мес. назад #1
от Aleksej
Aleksej создал тему: Kunena Spam Killer
Крайне полезное расширение для Kunena, разработанное Ossolution Team, помешает спаммерам нарушить спокойную жизнь вашего форума.
Kunena Spam Killer
Принцип работы Kunena Spam Killer прост: Когда кто-либо оставляет сообщение на вашем форуме, активируется плагин Kunena Spam Killer. Для проверки на предмет спама будет использован Akismet service ; и если ответ - да, то новый пост не будет опубликован на форуме. Кроме того, на электронную почту администратора придет письменное уведомление, равно как и на e-mail пользователя. Администратор, если найжет это необходимым, способен просмотреть неопубликованное сообщение и, в случае ошибки, опубликовать его на форуме.
Страница разработчика
Kunena Spam Killer
Принцип работы Kunena Spam Killer прост: Когда кто-либо оставляет сообщение на вашем форуме, активируется плагин Kunena Spam Killer. Для проверки на предмет спама будет использован Akismet service ; и если ответ - да, то новый пост не будет опубликован на форуме. Кроме того, на электронную почту администратора придет письменное уведомление, равно как и на e-mail пользователя. Администратор, если найжет это необходимым, способен просмотреть неопубликованное сообщение и, в случае ошибки, опубликовать его на форуме.
- Auto detect and un-publish any spam messages on your forum as soon as it is posted by spammers.
- Send notification email to administrator and confirmation email to spammer when a spam message is detected (You can turn off sending emails feature in configuration the extension).
- Auto add users to trusted list if there is no spam detected in his forum post (this is configurable) . If a user is in trusted list, when he post a new message on your forum, the system will not have to connect Akismet to check for spam .
- Auto add users to block list when spam detected in their forum posts. (this is configurable). If a user is in block list, when he post a new post on forum, the forum post will be unpublished automatically.
- Auto block user and logout him if spam message is detected (this is configurable) .
- Messages management which allow you to see list of messages from back-end of the extension . You can then publish the messages if it is not a spam message .
- Spammers management which allow you to see lisf of spammers. If you see someone not a spammer in this list, you can publish this account so that he will not be blocked .
- Configuration with many config options to make the extension flexible .
Страница разработчика
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 10 мес. назад пользователем Aleksej.
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- Aleksej
Автор темы
- Не в сети
- Модератор
13 года 10 мес. назад #2
от Aleksej
Aleksej ответил в теме Что такое Akismet
We can’t stand spam
Who can? You have better things to do with your life than deal with the underbelly of the internet. Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again.
Who's behind Akismet?
Akismet is brought to you by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com. For over 5 years, Automattic has been committed to fighting spam by continually improving the Akismet algorithm.
Free for personal use
That's right. Our goal is to eliminate web spam from as many sites as possible. So don't hesitate to grab a free API key for your personal blog.
Commercial Use
While we've made Akismet free for as many people as possible, we still need to keep the lights on and the servers humming. If you are using Akismet on a commercial site we have commercial API keys available just for you.
We can’t stand spam
Who can? You have better things to do with your life than deal with the underbelly of the internet. Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again.
Who's behind Akismet?
Akismet is brought to you by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com. For over 5 years, Automattic has been committed to fighting spam by continually improving the Akismet algorithm.
Free for personal use
That's right. Our goal is to eliminate web spam from as many sites as possible. So don't hesitate to grab a free API key for your personal blog.
Commercial Use
While we've made Akismet free for as many people as possible, we still need to keep the lights on and the servers humming. If you are using Akismet on a commercial site we have commercial API keys available just for you.
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