И звезды погасли. Фантастика. (04 фев 2025)

Казалось бы, давно уже не торт: банальная идея, всеми корнями в экзистенциализме - привычный нам мир создан объективациями, пересечениями и взаимопроникновениями индивидуальных сознаний.

Скрипт для создания скринкастов

11 года 4 мес. назад #1 от Aleksej
Очень удобный скрипт для создания скринкаста в Linux. Найден в Сети, автор мне, к сожалению, неизвестен. Следует отметить, что скрипт работает не со всеми версиями libavcodec... но тем не менее. Создаем файл scrincast.sh, делаем его исполняемым и вперед:

#!/bin/bash # list of programs we depend on progs="xdpyinfo grep head sed ffmpeg pacat parec sox" # check for programs we depend on result=0 for prog in $progs do type -p $prog > /dev/null if (( $? != 0 )); then echo "Error: Cannot find required program '$prog'" result=1 fi done if (( $result != 0 )); then exit 1 fi screenSize="640x480" # default if we cant detect it screenOffset="0,0" # default to top-left corner frameRate="24" # default frame rate baseName="capture" # default base filename for capture # attempt to detect the dimension of the screen for the default dimensions=`xdpyinfo | grep 'dimensions:' | head -1 | \ sed -e 's/^.* \([0-9]\+x[0-9]\+\) pixels.*$/\1/'` if [[ "$dimensions" =~ [0-9]+x[0-9]+ ]]; then screenSize=$dimensions fi # collect command line settings while getopts 'hs:o:t:p' param ; do case $param in s) screenSize="$OPTARG" ;; o) screenOffset="$OPTARG" ;; t) timeToRecord="$OPTARG" ;; *) echo "" echo "$0 - records screencast" echo "" echo "$0 [options] [base-filename]" echo "" echo "options:" echo " -h show brief help" echo " -s <size> screensize to record as <width>x<height>" echo " -o <offset> offset off recording area as <xoffset>,<yoffset>" echo " -t <time> time to record (in seconds)" echo "" exit 0 ;; esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) # determine basename of files if [ -n "$1" ] ; then baseName="$1" fi echo "" echo "Size = $screenSize" echo "Offset = $screenOffset" echo "Rate = $frameRate" echo "Filename = $baseName" # get ready to start recording echo "" if [ -n "$timeToRecord" ]; then echo "Preparing to capture for $timeToRecord seconds." else echo "Preparing to capture." echo "Press ENTER when finished capturing." fi sleep 3 echo "" # start playing silence to make sure there is always audio flowing pacat /dev/zero & pidSilence=$! # starts recording video using x11grab to make mpeg2video ffmpeg -y -an \ -s "$screenSize" -r "$frameRate" -f x11grab -i :0.0+"$screenOffset" \ -s "$screenSize" -r "$frameRate" -aspect 16:10 -vcodec mpeg2video -sameq \ -f mpeg2video "$baseName.mpeg" & pidVideo=$! # starts recording raw audio parec --format=s16le --rate=44100 --channels=1 $baseName.raw & pidAudio=$! echo "" echo "Video recording started with process ID $pidVideo" echo "Audio recording started with process ID $pidAudio" echo "" # wait for recording to be done, either by timer or user hitting enter if [ -n "$timeToRecord" ]; then sleep "$timeToRecord" else read nothing fi # stop recordings echo "" echo "Terminating recordings ..." kill -15 $pidVideo $pidAudio kill -15 $pidSilence wait # filter and normalize the audio echo "" echo "Filtering and normalizing sound ..." sox --norm -s -b 16 -L -r 44100 -c 1 "$baseName.raw" "$baseName.wav" highpass 65 lowpass 12k # encode video and audio into avi file echo "" echo "Encoding to final avi ..." ffmpeg -isync -i "$baseName.wav" -i "$baseName.mpeg" -acodec mp2 -ab 192k -vcodec copy "$baseName.avi" # convert to ogg #echo"" #echo "convert to theora" #ffmpeg2theora "$baseName.avi" -o "$baseName.ogv" rm "$baseName.wav" "$baseName.raw" echo "" echo "DONE! Final media written in file $baseName.avi" echo "" exit 0

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Dev banner 1
9 года 10 мес. назад #2 от evgenij
Подтверждаю, скрипт отлично работает. Сразу после запуска получаем следующее сообщение:

Option 'sameq' was removed. If you are looking for an option to preserve the quality (which is not what -sameq was for), use -qscale 0 or an equivalent quality factor option. Failed to set value '1' for option 'sameq': Invalid argument

- следуем полученному указанию и убираем sameq. Или заменяем, как сказано. Т.е. в итоге получаем следующее:

#!/bin/bash # list of programs we depend on progs="xdpyinfo grep head sed ffmpeg pacat parec sox" # check for programs we depend on result=0 for prog in $progs do type -p $prog > /dev/null if (( $? != 0 )); then echo "Error: Cannot find required program '$prog'" result=1 fi done if (( $result != 0 )); then exit 1 fi screenSize="640x480" # default if we cant detect it screenOffset="0,0" # default to top-left corner frameRate="24" # default frame rate baseName="capture" # default base filename for capture # attempt to detect the dimension of the screen for the default dimensions=`xdpyinfo | grep 'dimensions:' | head -1 | \ sed -e 's/^.* \([0-9]\+x[0-9]\+\) pixels.*$/\1/'` if [[ "$dimensions" =~ [0-9]+x[0-9]+ ]]; then screenSize=$dimensions fi # collect command line settings while getopts 'hs:o:t:p' param ; do case $param in s) screenSize="$OPTARG" ;; o) screenOffset="$OPTARG" ;; t) timeToRecord="$OPTARG" ;; *) echo "" echo "$0 - records screencast" echo "" echo "$0 [options] [base-filename]" echo "" echo "options:" echo " -h show brief help" echo " -s <size> screensize to record as <width>x<height>" echo " -o <offset> offset off recording area as <xoffset>,<yoffset>" echo " -t <time> time to record (in seconds)" echo "" exit 0 ;; esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) # determine basename of files if [ -n "$1" ] ; then baseName="$1" fi echo "" echo "Size = $screenSize" echo "Offset = $screenOffset" echo "Rate = $frameRate" echo "Filename = $baseName" # get ready to start recording echo "" if [ -n "$timeToRecord" ]; then echo "Preparing to capture for $timeToRecord seconds." else echo "Preparing to capture." echo "Press ENTER when finished capturing." fi sleep 3 echo "" # start playing silence to make sure there is always audio flowing pacat /dev/zero & pidSilence=$! # starts recording video using x11grab to make mpeg2video ffmpeg -y -an \ -s "$screenSize" -r "$frameRate" -f x11grab -i :0.0+"$screenOffset" \ -s "$screenSize" -r "$frameRate" -aspect 16:10 -vcodec mpeg2video \ -f mpeg2video "$baseName.mpeg" & pidVideo=$! # starts recording raw audio parec --format=s16le --rate=44100 --channels=1 $baseName.raw & pidAudio=$! echo "" echo "Video recording started with process ID $pidVideo" echo "Audio recording started with process ID $pidAudio" echo "" # wait for recording to be done, either by timer or user hitting enter if [ -n "$timeToRecord" ]; then sleep "$timeToRecord" else read nothing fi # stop recordings echo "" echo "Terminating recordings ..." kill -15 $pidVideo $pidAudio kill -15 $pidSilence wait # filter and normalize the audio echo "" echo "Filtering and normalizing sound ..." sox --norm -s -b 16 -L -r 44100 -c 1 "$baseName.raw" "$baseName.wav" highpass 65 lowpass 12k # encode video and audio into avi file echo "" echo "Encoding to final avi ..." ffmpeg -isync -i "$baseName.wav" -i "$baseName.mpeg" -acodec mp2 -ab 192k -vcodec copy "$baseName.avi" # convert to ogg #echo"" #echo "convert to theora" #ffmpeg2theora "$baseName.avi" -o "$baseName.ogv" rm "$baseName.wav" "$baseName.raw" echo "" echo "DONE! Final media written in file $baseName.avi" echo "" exit 0

Have a lot of fun!

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