И звезды погасли. Фантастика. (04 фев 2025)

Казалось бы, давно уже не торт: банальная идея, всеми корнями в экзистенциализме - привычный нам мир создан объективациями, пересечениями и взаимопроникновениями индивидуальных сознаний.

Проверяем Joomla. Version Verification Tool

14 года 1 мес. назад #1 от Aleksej
Version Verification Tool — бесплатный компонент от «SourceCoast Web», выявляющий модифицированные файлы CMS Joomla!.

Компонент содержит список всех файлов, поставлявшихся с Joomla!, начиная с первого релиза версии 1.5. Файлы проверяются с использованием алгоритма хеширования. Компонент окажется полезным при апгрейде и проверке целостности файлов CMS.

Check your Joomla! files for unwanted modifications. Don't just rely on the version number, be sure you're up-to-date AND haven't been hacked! The Version Verification Tool ships with a list of all files that have shipped with Joomla 1.5 since the first release. Then, using a hashing algorithm, each file on your server is checked against the release it should be to verify that it's integrity remains intact.

This tool is a must use for us at SourceCoast before any Joomla upgrades, afterwards to ensure that the upgrade went smoothly, and periodically as a check to make sure that nothing has been unintentionally modified on our server.

There are known hacks out there which modify specific core Joomla files in order to send login credentials to 'bad' people by email, to insert spam in output, or other nefarious things. The Version Verification Tool will help you to know as soon as possible if your site may have been unknowingly modified.

Going forward, we want to create a simple plugin mechanism so other developers can add their own extensions for file verification.

This tool is a must for any site.

(v1.7 - Works with Joomla up to v1.5.22)

Please note: In version 1.7, we removed the ability to version check Joomla versions 1.5.0-1.5.9. This was to reduce the size of the installer. If you need the full package, please contact us (it's still free!)

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