И звезды погасли. Фантастика. (04 фев 2025)

Казалось бы, давно уже не торт: банальная идея, всеми корнями в экзистенциализме - привычный нам мир создан объективациями, пересечениями и взаимопроникновениями индивидуальных сознаний.

WordPress для Joomla 1.5

13 года 9 мес. назад #1 от serge
serge создал тему: WordPress для Joomla 1.5
На всеми нами любимом трекере выложен замечательный компонент - WordPress для cms Joomla 1.5:

  • WordPress for Joomla! is EASY to install! No need to install & configure WordPress separately. WordPress for Joomla! installs like any other Joomla! component and only takes a few minutes to set up.
  • Can power multiple blogs on your site from multiple authors (something a native Joomla!-powered blog or even “MyBlog for Joomla!” cannot do).
  • Can run thousands of powerful native WordPress plugins on your blog. You can even use Joomla! content plugins on your WordPress posts, too!
  • Includes built-in commenting, trackbacks, and pingbacks. No need to purchase 3rd party Joomla! commenting software, it’s all conveniently built-in for you!
  • Comes with 8 exclusive Joomla! modules that will broadcast your latest WordPress blogs (multi-users), latest blog posts, recent blog comments & more throughout your entire Joomla! site
  • Comes with a free default theme and also works with most 3rd party Joomla! templates (including Joomla!Shack templates, Shape5 templates, RocketTheme templates and many others). WordPress for Joomla! will inherit styles from your website template right out of the box ensuring your blog always matches yours site!
  • Integrates with JomSocial — the #1 community-creation software for Joomla!
  • Can import “MyBlog” posts into your new WordPress for Joomla! blog, so switching is easy
  • Supports Ping-O-Matic, which helps you promote your blog by pinging popular sites everytime you post a new entry
  • And so much more!

Спасибо доброй душе из Штатов... говорит, что "I paid $100 for that script. Shared with others on this forum as everyone else does to me. Script was originated on english. If you got time feel free type it all in Russian."

Кому надо - забирем, thank you, a guy from America! ;)


А я смогу! - А поглядим! - А я упрямый!

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