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И звезды погасли. Фантастика. (04 фев 2025)
Казалось бы, давно уже не торт: банальная идея, всеми корнями в экзистенциализме - привычный нам мир создан объективациями, пересечениями и взаимопроникновениями индивидуальных сознаний.
FreshClam received error code 403 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network
- unior
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2 года 11 мес. назад #1
от unior
unior создал тему: FreshClam received error code 403 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network
Хрень какая-то пошла, впервые такое за много лет пользования clamav.
$ sudo freshclam
[sudo] пароль для alexander:
ClamAV update process started at Fri Mar 11 01:42:55 2022
WARNING: Cool-down expired, ok to try again.
daily database available for update (local version: 26468, remote version: 26477)
Current database is 9 versions behind.
Downloading database patch # 26469...
Time: 0.4s, ETA: 0.0s [========================>] 16B/16B
WARNING: downloadPatch: Can't download daily-26469.cdiff from https://database.clamav.net/daily-26469.cdiff
WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd
Time: 0.2s, ETA: 0.0s [========================>] 16B/16B
WARNING: Can't download daily.cvd from https://database.clamav.net/daily.cvd
WARNING: FreshClam received error code 403 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network (CDN).
This could mean several things:
1. You are running an out-of-date version of ClamAV / FreshClam.
Ensure you are the most updated version by visiting https://www.clamav.net/downloads
2. Your network is explicitly denied by the FreshClam CDN.
In order to rectify this please check that you are:
a. Running an up-to-date version of FreshClam
b. Running FreshClam no more than once an hour
c. If you have checked (a) and (b), please open a ticket at
and we will investigate why your network is blocked.
WARNING: You are on cool-down until after: 2022-03-12 01:43:06
ERROR: Database update process failed: Forbidden; Blocked by CDN
ERROR: Update failed.
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- serge
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2 года 11 мес. назад #2
от serge
А я смогу! - А поглядим! - А я упрямый!
serge ответил в теме FreshClam received error code 403 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network
А я смогу! - А поглядим! - А я упрямый!
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- evgenij
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2 года 11 мес. назад #3
от evgenij
Have a lot of fun!
evgenij ответил в теме FreshClam received error code 403 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network
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Have a lot of fun!
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