И звезды погасли. Фантастика. (04 фев 2025)
Казалось бы, давно уже не торт: банальная идея, всеми корнями в экзистенциализме - привычный нам мир создан объективациями, пересечениями и взаимопроникновениями индивидуальных сознаний.
Hostgator меняется?
- Aleksej
Автор темы
- Не в сети
- Модератор
Н знаю, согласитесь ли вы со мной. Но, думается мне, в последние пару-тройку месяцев хостинг будто подменили: то и дело возникающие технические проблемы (проблема с mod_security, например, судя по форумам в вебе - не меня одного затронула), полнейшая неспособность саппорта адекватно на возникающие траблы отреагировать.. . мне уже начинает казаться, что в поддержке хьюстоновского хостинга работают теперь сугубо "наши люди". Которые, как известно, на такси не ездют . Повеяло чем-то эдаким, знаете ли, родным и до боли знакомым..
Привожу, без каких-либо купюр, парочку диалогов с двумя представителями саппорта Hostgator... судите сами. Разве не бред? Что за дети там теперь работают, на Hostgator?
(11:56:14pm)Matthew R.
'll see if I can attempt a fix, Alex.
(11:57:19pm)Matthew R.:OK, reload the page: masterpro.ws/
(11:57:48pm)Alex:I will think whether to pay the money further,Matthew
(11:58:08pm)Matthew R.'m sorry about the inconvenience, Alex. The site's now loading OK though.
(11:58:28pm)Alex:Why am I seeing this mess every day now?
(11:59:20pm)Alex:Yes, but it is not a solution to the problem .....
(11:59:21pm)Matthew R.:Alex, you may have a plugin that's messing with your .htaccess file which would cause this issue. I had to set a DirectoryIndex to point to the index.php, since it was loading from another file by default.
(11:59:39pm)Matthew R.:There's no specific solution for this, as we have no way of telling how it might have occurred unfortunately.
(12:01:13am)Alex:My htaccess unchanged for a long time.
(12:02:05am)Matthew R.:Alex, it would appear not as the .htaccess was what caused the issue.
(12:02:53am)Alex:You can analyze the cause of the problem?
(12:03:26am)Matthew R.:No, as I said unfortunately we're not able to analyze the cause since we don't know what might have modified the file in order for the problem to occur.
(12:04:26am)Alex:Which file is changed?
(12:04:48am)Matthew R.:-rw-r--r-- 1 rishardd rishardd 5205 Mar 13 17:14 .htaccess
(12:05:59am)Matthew R.:Alex, I'm confident you won't have this issue going forward now that a DirectoryIndex has been set.
(12:06:02am)Alex:No I Am Not. I control this file. The content of the file is unchanged. Sometimes I modify this file, but then he returns to the scene.
(12:07:03am)Alex:OK, let's see .....
[Initial Question]:
(5:43 pm) [System] Customer has entered chat and is waiting for an agent.
(5:45 pm) [Daniel H.] Welcome to HostGator Live Chat. My name is Dan and I will be glad to assist you with this.
(5:46 pm) [Daniel H.] Welcome to HostGator Live Chat. My name is Dan and I will be glad to assist you with this.
(5:46 pm) [Daniel H.] Hello, how are you today?
(5:46 pm) [Alex]: Tell me how I can talk to the owner of the host? I pay money for hosting, and I have a complaint.
(5:46 pm) [Alex]: Tell me, what is happening on your hosting? Take a look at my site masterpro.ws
(5:46 pm) [Daniel H.] Yes, I remember, I just did.
(5:46 pm) [Alex]: masterpro.ws
(5:46 pm) [Daniel H.] You were just with me.
(5:47 pm) [Daniel H.] What needs to be displayed there ?
(5:48 pm) [Alex]: Open the page in a browser Chromium
(5:49 pm) [Daniel H.] Yes, I see it.
(5:49 pm) [Alex]: what is your comment?
(5:50 pm) [Alex]: It's this is a problem hosting
(5:50 pm) [Daniel H.] It loads fine, what should be displayed ?
(5:50 pm) [Daniel H.] No, the site is loading fine form our server, I do not see the issue.
(5:51 pm) [Alex]: Really ?
(5:52 pm) [Alex]: I see rss only
(5:53 pm) [Daniel H.] I see txt only
(5:53 pm) [Daniel H.] Can I recommend that you try to clear your browser cache and try again?
(5:53 pm) [Daniel H.] Yes, I see that is loads fine.
(5:53 pm) [Daniel H.] What should be displayed ?
(5:53 pm) [Daniel H.] Not txt ?
(5:54 pm) [Alex]: No, clean cash don't help....
(5:54 pm) [Alex]: Daniel H.:Not txt ? - sorry, rss
(5:55 pm) [Alex]: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8" />
(5:55 pm) [Alex]: application/rss+xml
(5:56 pm) [Alex]: Do you understand?
(5:56 pm) [System] Chat closed by customer request.
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